Paradigm Shift: Reflection of Nature, Heritage and Islam

by Abed Chaudhury | May 22, 2014 6:58 am

The book is available for download. See attachment below.

About the Author:

Abed Chaudhury was born in a village called Kanihati in Northern Eastern Bangladesh. As a child studied in a rural primary school, and later studied in Dhaka University, University of Oregon, USA. He did research in Molecular Biology and Genetics in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Ecole Normale Superieure , France and CSIRO, Australia Where he is now senior principle scientist. He has done seminal work in seed Biology and epigenetics, an emerging area of Biology. He lives in Canberra, Australia and sometimes in Kanihati, Bangladesh.

2014/Paradigmdhift_Ebook_410623136.pdf[1] ( B) 

  1. 2014/Paradigmdhift_Ebook_410623136.pdf:

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