NO! NO! NO! We Cannot Love Zia: Struggle for Justice and The Politics of Bangladesh

by Farid Ahmed | February 23, 2013 11:38 pm

1971. I was a student of class six. I just arrived in Khulna city from my rural village of Narail District. I witnessed that my cousins were very busy of making a flag for Bangladesh: green rectangular piece of cloth as symbol of green Bangladesh, red sun and yellow map of Bangladesh. I was given the responsibility of upright and fixing the pole of the flag in front of the house at Hazi Meher Ali Road, Iqbalnagar. In this way I become involved in the struggle of Independence of Bangladesh. I also stoned pak navy without any fear and luckily saved. I could die anytime during the war. I do not know actually what is happening at that time but was very excited to listen the chorus “andoloney jog dib sabi.”(We shall all join the movement- however; I was not aware at that time what is andolon). On 8th of March morning, I was thrilled to hear the voice of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the radio: Ebarer Sangram amader muktir samgram, ebarer songram amader shadhinotar sangram. Then, I was shocked army kills a boy named Hadis during demonstration in the town center of Khulna. Then, I show that naval van equipped with machine guns marching in the city. They used to go Gallamari Radio center where Khulna University is now located. As I heard that trucks of sculls have been found there as this place was used to kill innocent people and freedom fighters in collaboration with some Bengali razakar and behari (who came to Bangladesh after the creation of Pakistan in 1947). I also heard that people are killed in different parts of the city. Everyday, every evening, I used to see smoke in different parts of the city and villages of Faridpur district when I went my village. I have seen how Naksal (so-called communists) killed people, beat people and heard continued firing of mukti jodhha who fought against pak army. One of my uncles and elder brothers stood for the community to save from pak military. I have seen dead bodies in the city during the liberation war. I heard that a man is hanged in the Dak Banglar Morr to show power of pak army and to pass the message that if anyone stands against pak army, they will be killed in the same way.

I escaped when a shell hit our corridor. I used to stay in bunker or in the forest or in the jute field for safety reasons. I know that pak army, behari, collaborators of pak army forced to marry girls, and used to lout properties of Hindus and burn into ashes property of mukti joddha families.

I still thrilled how did I survive! One 3rd April 1971 there was a heavy fight in the Khulna city. We are moving here and there for shelter. I lost my family for about 5 hours an unknown place of Khulna city. As a child, I was traumatized. How may I forget those incidents! However, when I read Pakistan President Parvez Mosharraf’s and current Foreign Minister Hina’s statement “ let us forget the past!” I become agitated. How can I forget and forgive who played game with my life! Shame to them who are now standing beside those collaborators and fighting for the cause of war criminals!

However, I wonder that after the assassination of Bangabandhu, Zia took power and empowered them who were involved with crime against humanity! After the independence, some criminals are punished immediately. I personally witnessed their trial. However, many of them escaped as Indian Army protected them or many of us gave them shelter. Yes it is true that many of us gave them shelter without realizing their levels of crime and in response to appeals from their families. However, we astonished that their children has become sibir and again standing against us. It was no doubt a very bad situation for us who suffered for their misrule. There was no scope to save 90 thousands pak soldiers if Indian army were not beside them. By saving them, India has won Indian part of Kashmir and tried to make Bangladesh a dependent country. Bangabandhu save us from Indian occupation.

We were free from pak rules but we were under the rules of Indian army until Bangabandhu freed us. This is the best gift of Bangabandhu. What could happen? Let us see what is happening in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Indian army could stay 12 years to establish a government like Iraq or Afghanistan and could suck the country. So, we achieved real freedom later under the leadership of Bangbandhu although pak army surrendered on 16th December. So, there is no reason to believe that Bangabandhu was in jail and have no contribution during the war against pak army occupation. It was impossible without Bangabandhu to achieve our real freedom so quickly. It is just a false claim that Bangabandhu declared general amnesty for those who are identified as criminal.

Now our leader is the Daughter of the father of the nation. We were unable to do justice to war against humanity. There were various reasons, which cannot be discussed at this moment. But the process was restarted after 1990. Neither Ershad nor Zia and not even Khaleda Zia stand for justice and against those who committed crime. Zia made Azizur Rahman as PM of the country made Alim as minister and gave citizenship to Golam Azam. Ershad made minister as SAK Choudhury. And Khaleda Zia made minister Mujahid and Nizami.

It is time to complete the unfinished task and give senses of justice to future generations and redress wound of families of victims and pay tribute to Sahid (martyrs) and victims. Otherwise, Allah will not forgive us. It is for our own sake war criminals are to be penalized as they committed sin. There is no scope in Islam that one can be pardon for such crime when we know that.

Although zia was a freedom fighter and Mrs. zia is from freedom fighter family. But they have failed to stand beside victims. Instead, they either empowered or rewarded them in several ways and still helping them. Therefore, there is no reason to say that loving zia does not mean supporting bnp. Loveing zia means supporting war criminals and crime against humanity. Loving zia empowers khaleda, tarek, coco and those forces that stand against war crime tribunals. If there is anyone believing that he or she can love zia and support justice, then he or she is confused or lacks basic human qualities. Only Sheikh Hasina can do justice because she is also a victim. She understands one’s loss. I think we must speak out for punishment those who mislead Bangabandhu and mislead the nation. Standing against justice, and standing for criminals are self-destructing and tantamount to suicide. Loving zia is suicidal. He challenged all politicians who fought for the nation since 1947 to 1971. He again challenged the politicians just ignoring the rights of the citizen by assuming power using army.

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