I too am ‘sorry’ – Sabrina Quader

by Priyo Australia | February 19, 2008 4:56 am

If I could apologise a thousand times over I would. Even though I was not even born in 1970, when the last of the forcible retrieval of indigenous children had taken place, nor have I had direct contact with anyone who has been directly affected by the ‘stolen generation’ I know I am well and truly sorry.

Because to me sorry is not a loaded word nor is it an admission of guilt, it is simply a word which illustrates a sense of regret or sympathy for the plight of others.

Thus witnessing the official apology by Prime Minister Rudd and the Australian Parliament to our Indigenous people and all those who had suffered as a result of the ‘stolen generation’ was for me not only historic but long overdue. This is particularly resonant given that all State and Territory governments have already made official apologies.

Furthermore although the rhetoric of the Coalition apology, in my humble opinion, left much to be desired, for the time being one must have hope that the gesture it self, is the first step to a new era in reconciliation. I believe with the Coalitions in principle support of the apology and willingness for bipartisanship in matters of Indigenous affairs Australian parliament can finally bridge the decades of misunderstanding and procrastination which characterised reconciliation efforts.

Sabrina Quader

Source URL: https://priyoaustralia.com.au/articles/2008/i-too-am-ae%cb%9csorryae-sabrina-quader/