by Shaikh Shahriyar Wahab | April 30, 2008 11:05 pm
Khondoker Delowar Hussein, the nominated Secretary General of BNP. recently returned from USA after almost a month of post-medical Check up. Before that Abdul Jalil the Secretary General of AL. got release on bail for treatment in Singapore. He is still in Singapore. Leaders of high profile who are in jail at present ferry themselves between Jail and PG hospital unit for regular treatment, follow up or rehabilitation. The list can be longer, bigger and exhausting.
The bottom line is “ our leaders are ill, sick and disabled”. They need support to get better, they need empathy to recuperate their functional life and able to enjoy rest of their life with given medical and physical management. An active thought should be given by the present and future Govt. for these retired politicians and how can we go through a transition period. They should be given deserved honours, respect and facility to rehabilitate their life. A vigorous thought should now be given to implement these. (What retired politician does in India, USA, UK or Australia?
Becoming ill is not a crime and is not one ‘s own choice. It is an unfortunate feature of life cycle. We all have to except it. One has to carefully consider what is contributing and affecting his or her life specially the perpetuating medical conditions. Then the first thing one should do is to stay away from the risk factors. It is like smoking .If you are a smoker and recently learned that you have Cardiac problem, its time to quit to avoid all hazards .You have no choice or options. It does not necessarily means that if one is ill or sick one has to leave all his/her functional activities, political career and philosophies. One can continue to propagate his /her own political philosophical excellencies among his/her own followers longer if they are alive. He /She will be remembered longer among countryman for their contribution.
Now lets look onto the other side of the picture. When the disable politicians (Physically and mentally) does not do the right thing, tries to undermine the risk, become overconfident and unrealistic then the person is jeopardizing the fate of the nation along with his/her own and the eminent outcome is “ Derailed Train” type situation. One has to remember that his/her own life and fate will not be spared as well whether as a driver or a passenger of the train.
The second intention of this article is to state that the Critical and emergency medical care of Bangladesh is still very much underrated. One has to go to USA, Singapore or India for even general Medical Check up. The overall confidence on native doctors is almost nil or Zero among the Politicians and higher socio-economic group. The reason is complex and multi directional but solution is possible. The political leaders possibly perceives that if needed medical attention they will go to the above countries therefore they have not thought or felt to look into the reform or rehabilitate the medical system as their priority.
How important is upgrading the medical service for the leaders specially the Critical care or emergency Service? Here one has to remember precisely specially the politicians that if they ever have a critical medical condition like Heart Attack etc. their chance of survival is very pitiable. If they will not endure a Critical medical condition then going abroad for further advanced treatment will never happen. If they will not able to reach Hospital for resuscitation for an Acute Myocardial Infarction the getting of Critical care is out of question and then advanced care is absolutely out of hand. The general population of Bangladesh is already victim of this system. It is also traditionally accepted as a norm among them.
But Given the Health of our national leaders who will run our country and possibly a number of them will require Critical care service in future I feel the aged elderly Politician need to prioritize ASAP to reform the Health system. They need to do it for them first and the rest of the nation might get benefit from that.
Otherwise that time is not far when the Prime Minister of the country will die from a Heart attack in the Traffic Jam in Dhaka.
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